Library: Random Stimulus Assignment (within a survey)


Random Stimulus Assignment enables a researcher to randomly presents 1 of X stimuli, within a survey, while automatically recording which stimuli was presented.

This feature makes true experimental designs possible and can be combined with other advanced features such as Question Logic and Random Assignment (between surveys) to create complex online survey designs.

Sample Uses: Randomly present...

  • Text such as descriptions, paragraphs of varying instructions, vignettes, etc.
  • Images of any kind.
  • Links to media such as an audio or video clip.

How To

  1. Insert this element in your survey at the point you want it to appear.
  2. Select how many stimuli you have (up to 15).
  3. Enter each of your stimuli. (We recommend Microsoft IE 5.5+ for advanced formatting features such as images, formatted text, or links).
  4. Question Logic (i.e., If stimuli #2 is presented, skip to question X) may be applied to each of your stimuli after this survey element has been created.


"I would highly recommend this service to anyone looking to conduct an internet study. I'll definitely be back!"

—Justin J. Lehmiller, M.S.,
   Social Psychology Doctoral Student,
   Purdue University

"PsychData has been extremely efficient... I am especially grateful for the quick and very informative responses to my queries, they never failed!"

—Jo Kilgour,
   BA Psychology Undergraduate,
   University of Exeter, UK